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Children’s Drawings

This section contains drawings bu children and young people.

Articles in this section

الفنون و الحرف (Children’s Drawings)

Sunday 11 September 2022
تهدف ببي من خلال الفنون والحرف إلى تطوير المهارات الفنية للأطفال متبوعة بالتعلم والعمل باستخدام الأشكال والألوان والتعرف على الأنماط. يتعلم الأطفال من خلال الفن العديد من القيم، كالصبر مثلًا و الاستمتاع بالعملية الإبداعية قبل ظهورالنتائج التي تزيد من احترام الذات. إن صنع فن أو حرفة هو أيضًا فرصة لخلق خطأ وتصحيحه - و الذي تعد أحد (...)

Arts & Crafts (Children’s Drawings)

Thursday 8 September 2022
PBBY aims through arts and crafts to develop fine motor skills followed by learning and working with shapes, colors, and pattern recognition. Children learn patience and enjoy the creative process which increases self-esteem. Making an art or a craft is also the opportunity to create and (...)

Free illustrations by the Children of Al-Shawka Library (Children’s Drawings)

Wednesday 20 October 2021 by Rania
More to come after the special illustration workshop.

Children’s Creativity - Gaza (Children’s Drawings)

Monday 12 April 2021 by Rania

Peace in Children’s Drawings (Children’s Drawings)

Monday 10 February 2014
children express their views on Peace and emphasize that it should be based on Freedom, Justice and children’s Rights!

Kitchen Buddies (Children’s Drawings)

Monday 10 February 2014
Two girls drew vegetables found in Palestinian kitchens, with each saying something about itself.

Drawings: Aggression on Gaza (Children’s Drawings)

Monday 10 February 2014
A collection of drawings depicting the Israeli aggression on Gaza.2008-9 Click on picture to enlarge it.

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