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Gaza: During & After Agression

Articles in this section

The nightmares Palestinian children live (Gaza: During & After Agression)

Wednesday 5 January 2022 by Rania
Below are the heart breaking live testimonies by children and their mothers reflecting the long hours of horror they endured facing imminent death during the 2021 aggression Gaza. In our libraries in Gaza we encourage children to write about the daily lives about their experiences, and their (...)

Summer Camp after Israeli Aggression 2021 - We Will Rise (Gaza: During & After Agression)

Monday 26 July 2021 by Rania
IBBY Palestine in cooperation with the United Palestinian Appeal implemented a very successful summer camp for four hundred boys and girls at Al Shawka Library in Rafah- Gaza. The aim of this activity was to support and relieve psychological distress after the horror experienced by the (...)

The Human Cost of Drone Warfare (Gaza: During & After Agression)

Monday 31 May 2021 by Rania
Very expressive and depressing stories, written by the children of IBBY libraries in Gaza, about their traumatic experience with the horrific Drones that do not leave their sky! The Drone is An Industry to Hurt Humanity Abla (Librarian of al Ata’a Library The size of the drone cannot be (...)

From our Hearts to Palestine (Gaza: During & After Agression)

Wednesday 26 May 2021 by Rania
These beautiful writings and illustrations were inspired by Palestinian children sufferings during Israeli aggressions on Gaza.

Pakistani children in solidarity with the children of Palestine (Gaza: During & After Agression)

Tuesday 25 May 2021 by Rania
From the pure hearts of Pakistani children with cancer, solidarity with the children of Palestine.

IBBY Children Library a ‘Safe Haven’ Destroyed! (Gaza: During & After Agression)

Wednesday 10 March 2021
Israeli Aggression Killing libraries! Pictures before and after IBBY Library in Beit Hanoun and al- Ata’a Community Based Center hosting it, are completely destroyed! This successful library which promoted love of books, supported literacy and was a ‘Safe Haven’ for the children and had (...)

The Power of Books: al Shawka- Rafah Library (Gaza: During & After Agression)

Tuesday 1 September 2015
In a follow up to our e-mail two days ago, that a library is born (Sikka library) as a temporary replacement of the destroyed al- Ataa library; and the damaged library (al- Shawka) is refurbished and provided by books and equipments. We enclose some expressive pictures of the latest (...)

A Library is Born! (Gaza: During & After Agression)

Tuesday 1 September 2015
This letter was sent to IBBY Sections and Friends Dear IBBY Friends, It is around one year now since the Israeli horrendous attack on Gaza and the complete destruction of IBBY al-Ataa library and the damaging of al Shawka library. The sad reality is that our people in Gaza did not get the (...)

New Drawings 2015 (Gaza: During & After Agression)

Thursday 26 February 2015 by Rania
These are live testimonies of the horror and suffering of the children of Gaza due to the barbaric Israeli aggression on Gaza. These are true stories written by the children of IBBY - Palestine library a month after the Israeli aggression. The below artwork depicts that extent of the (...)

Speech by IBBY President 2010-2014 (Gaza: During & After Agression)

Friday 13 February 2015
Speech by Ahmad Redza Ahmad Khairuddin IBBY President 2010-2014 34th IBBY Congress: Opening Ceremony Mexico City, Mexico September 2014 Opening Ceremony Biblioteca de Mexico, Mexico City, Mexico Hasmig Chahinian IBBY Vice President, on behalf of IBBY President Ahmad Redza Ahmad Khairuddin (...)

Pictures from Gaza During Aggression (Gaza: During & After Agression)

Friday 13 February 2015
Horrific Pictures from Gaza during the Israeli Aggression Who can be silent after that?!

IBBY UK initated a solidarity letter (Gaza: During & After Agression)

Friday 13 February 2015
During the Israeli aggression on Gaza IBBY UK and British writers and illustrators for children and young people protested the effect on children of the latest Israeli assault in Gaza IBBY UK initated a solidarity letter signed by more than 70 personality which was published in the Guardian (...)

Is the Convention on the Rights of the Child, Dead in Gaza? (Gaza: During & After Agression)

Wednesday 5 November 2014
Israeli Aggression IBBY Children Library a ‘Safe Haven’ Completely Destroyed! IBBY Library in Beit Hanoun and al- Ata’a Community Based Center hosting it, are completely destroyed! This successful library which promoted love of books, supported literacy and was a ‘Safe Haven’ for the children and (...)

IBBY Gaza Appeal 2014 (Gaza: During & After Agression)

Wednesday 15 October 2014
IBBY Children in Crisis Illustration 2014 Appeal to rebuild the IBBY Libraries in Gaza 2014 has been a year notable for violence, conflict and destruction IBBY has been supporting two children’s libraries in the Gaza Strip since 2008. One library was situated in the northern community of Beit (...)

Children Killed and Displaced at al-Shawka Library (Gaza: During & After Agression)

Monday 1 September 2014
Below is a report sent by Mahmoud al Hissi, a librarian al-Shawka, Rafah Library These are the names of the children who had to leave their homes during the Israeli aggression and whose homes were destroyed completely or damaged partially. Many of them are members of the same family. This is (...)

Testimony of al Shawka Librarian (Gaza: During & After Agression)

Sunday 31 August 2014
Testimony of Mahmoud Al Hissi (pictures of destruction near the library area (where he also lives) On Wednesday morning after my wife prepared the food for the last meal before day break, and half an hour before the call to prayer, and as we started eating, shells started falling like rain (...)

Ataa Library: Names of Children Affected (Gaza: During & After Agression)

Saturday 30 August 2014
Names of Children of Al- Ataa Library Affected by the Israeli Aggression on Gaza 2014 Beit Hanun area where al-Ataa library is situated was heavily bombarded and destroyed, the children were the main victims they were displaced with their families and their homes completely destroyed and (...)

Report by al-Ataa librarian on the destruction (Gaza: During & After Agression)

Saturday 30 August 2014
Report by the al-Ataa librarian on the Damages of al-Ataa Charitable Society and library as a result of Israeli Aggression on Gaza 2014 All the Darkness in the World Cannot Hide the Light of a Beaming Candle Introduction: Al-Ataa Charitable society was established in 2000 in Beit Hanoun. (...)

Short Report : al- Ataa Librarian (Gaza: During & After Agression)

Saturday 30 August 2014
Special Report by the librarian Abla Hamad on her Displacement The attack did not leave anybody from its fiery rockets. The Librarian, Abla Hamad, suffered like all the other citizens. She lives in Beit Hanoun, and being very close to the danger, she had to leave her home with her family and (...)

Palestine in Asia-Africa-Oceania Newsletter No.7 (Gaza: During & After Agression)

Tuesday 26 August 2014
IBBY Asia-Africa-Oceania Newsletter, August 2014 Palestine: Aggression on Gaza- Aggression on IBBY Libraries These last weeks and these days are dreadful and extremely sad. Our people in Gaza are living a permanent horror with sleepless nights as they are facing death, loss, destruction, (...)

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