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Palestine: Activities

PBBY tries to hold at least one meeting per month which normally includes: discussion of various matters related to children’s literature, a get together with a local or foreign writer, a presentation or discussion of a book and the discussion of a draft story of a Palestinian writer.
PBBY tries when possible, to implement activities which promote intercultural exchange and international solidarity.

Articles in this section

IBBY with the Argentinean writer Isol (Palestine: Activities)

Friday 5 March 2021
IBBY Palestine arranged last month a meeting with the Argentinean ALMA winner writer and illustrator Isol, in cooperation with Tamer Institute. Tamer has hosted Isol for a series of very interesting training workshops. Isol began by talking about her life: she studied fine arts at the (...)

PBBY Monthly Discussion with Sonia Nimr (Palestine: Activities)

Thursday 18 February 2021 by Rania
The Blue Door Story Dr Hanadi Kharma started the discussion. She spoke about the blue door a note to the two points in the blue door the camp, the right of return, connection to the place, the land, in the memory. Dima el Hajj: she spoke about the paintings and the colors the drawings of (...)

IBBY Palestine Meeting Mary Fasheh “My Experience with Books and Libraries” (Palestine: Activities)

Thursday 21 January 2021 by Rania
IBBY Palestine meeting last month was very rich and interactive. The speaker was Mary Fasheh, the pioneer of librarians in Palestine and one of the founders of IBBY Palestine and its Vice President. Mary spoke about her long and rich experience with books and libraries. Introduction I was (...)

The Campaign for Encouraging Reading in Palestinian Society (Palestine: Activities)

Wednesday 28 November 2018
The campaign “Dad read to me” from within the campaign of encouraging reading in Palestinian society, organized by Tamer Institute every year. The two libraries of IBBY Palestine participated in this campaign. The children in the Shawka library discussed the story “Mama Zooms” and it is a pretty (...)

PBBY Honors the Palestinian Winners in IBBY International Honor List (Palestine: Activities)

Wednesday 24 October 2018
IBBY/ Palestine held, on the seventeenth of October, a celebration to honor the distinguished winners of the International Honor List for the two periods 2014-2016 and 2016-2018 in an atmosphere of intimacy and pride: The successful meeting was led by Mary Fasheh vice president of PBBY. She (...)

Expressive, Creative and Therapeutic Arts (Palestine: Activities)

Friday 5 October 2018
In mid September there was an interesting meeting of IBBY Palestine with Khitam Edelbi who is specialized in expressive arts in psychotherapy and works in the early childhood Resource Center (also preparing for doctorate “playback theater therapy” which is to relate the stories coming from the (...)

LAP meeting with PBBY (Palestine: Activities)

Friday 10 April 2015
During the second visit of a delegation of ‘Librarians and Archivists with Palestine’ (LAP) to the Palestinian Occupied Territory IBBY Palestine arranged for a meeting with the delegation on April 6th, 2015 . After the introduction of attendees, LAP delegates spoke briefly about their (...)

One Book – Many Communities ‘Mornings in Jenin’ (Palestine: Activities)

Friday 3 April 2015
Report on One Book – Many Communities ‘Mornings in Jenin’ End of January 2015 IBBY Palestinian Section held its meeting in the afternoon at Tamer Institute. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the book ‘Mornings in Jenin’ by Suzan Abulhawa which was the first book to be read by (...)

Bisharat reviews the book of H Abdallah (Palestine: Activities)

Thursday 26 March 2015
IBBY-Palestine held its monthly meeting February 2015. There was a review of story by the Lebanese poet and writer Hassan Abdullah titled " The Hen of the Displaced House" presented by Ahlam Bsharat. The full review is in the Arabic (...)

Majdi Shomali (Palestine: Activities)

Thursday 26 March 2015
Meeting at Tamer’s Institute " The Importance of Time and place in the Plot."

Reading Culture- Palestinian Children in Lebanon 2 (Palestine: Activities)

Monday 10 February 2014
PBBY is keen to support the culture of reading among Palestinian Refugees in Lebanon, when possible. Reading for joy is very vital with the very difficult situation our children endure and the deterioration of the education system standards. A symbolic fund was donated to the National (...)

Reading among Palestinian Children in Lebanon (Palestine: Activities)

Monday 10 February 2014
Encouraging the Culture of Reading among Palestinian Refugee Children in Lebanon Implemented by PBBY in cooperation with Arab Resource Center for Popular Arts Supported by IBBY- Yamada Fund 2010 A detailed report by the Consultant/Trainer in response . First let me tell you that this (...)

Biennial Reports (Palestine: Activities)

Monday 10 February 2014
Every two year IBBY requests from all national sections to prepare their biennial reports according to a standard format All reports are combined in one report which is distributed in the biennial IBBY Congress, and is posted with each national section report on www.ibby.org Below is the (...)

Meeting with Ulf Stark (Palestine: Activities)

Monday 10 February 2014
The Swedish writer ULf Stark was invited by the Palestinian Ministry of Culture. PBBY organized a joint meeting with the Ministry and al Qattan Foundation in which Ulf Stark gave a very interesting talk about his books mainly the book “Can You Whistle, (...)

Elsa Marston (Palestine: Activities)

Monday 10 February 2014
Marston in Palestine! In 2009 Elsa Marston visited Palestine for olive picking and to visit PBBY and implement some activities with them. It turned to be a very rich visit. PBBY organized a public lecture where Elsa spoke about the picture of Palestinians in American children literature. (...)

Luciana Savaget (Palestine: Activities)

Monday 10 February 2014
Meeting with the Brazilian writer In autumn 2009 PBBY and Tamer Institute hosted the Brazilian writer Luciana Savaget, it was her second trip to Palestine. The meeting was to discuss the Book of Luciana “Operation Rescue Baghdad” which is against the war on Iraq. The book was published in (...)

Kanaana on Folk Tales (Palestine: Activities)

Monday 10 February 2014
Dr Kanaana on Folk Tales. PBBY hosted Dr Sharif Kanaana who gave a very interesting talk, which was an over view about folk tales and children’s fairy tales around the world . He reflected on the Migration of these stories giving concrete examples pointing to the different versions of (...)

Safa Ameer (Palestine: Activities)

Monday 10 February 2014
PBBY hosted in 2011 the writer Safa Ameer to discuss her two new books Come Play with Me and Omar & Haha, the former had won the prize of the Palestinian Ministry of Culture for children and was short listed for Itasalt Prize in al Sharjah .. the two books are published by Tamer Institute. (...)

Variety of Meetings (Palestine: Activities)

Monday 10 February 2014
Variety of Meetings There were many interesting meetings with Palestinian writers and experts that were not documented in soft copies. • Very important meetings were with the Palestinian writers in which they talked about their life in writing and how they grow up to become writers. This was (...)

Honour List Celebration (Palestine: Activities)

Monday 10 February 2014
October 17, 2012 PBBY and Tamer Institute for Community Education organized a celebration in honour of Palestinian writers, illustrators and translators whose works deserved the IBBY Honour-list for the years 2010-2012. This took place during the Palestinian book fair in Ramallah. Those who (...)

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