Two Library Members Killed

Monday 10 February 2014

Testimonies on the killing of two members of IBBY Children Library by Israeli brutal aggression on Gaza

The story of the traumatic death of two children by Israeli war airplanes rockets, who are ‘dedicated and active’ members in al-Shawka IBBY Library

Mousa Yousef Barbakh- 15 years

Yousef Abed Barbakh - 13 years

Three more members of their family were killed:

Abed Barbakh- father of Yousef, and uncle of Mousa (45 years).

Mahdi Abed Barbakh – The older brother of Yousef (19 years)

Mohammad Abed Barbakh – Brother of child Yousef (17 years)

All were killed in the morning while preparing a fireplace for their mother to bake their bread and to cook, as there is no gas, kerosene or electricity...

The librarian, who is a member of extended family, got some testimonies from family members.

Family Testimonies:

1. Martyr’s daughter

We prepared breakfast in the morning and ate it with all family members. After breakfast my mother got up to prepare the dough and I went to help her. My father came to tell my mother that he will go to work “and that the children will prepare the firewood and make the fire so that she can cook and bake the dough when it rises”.

My father went to help my brothers. When my mother finished kneading the dough she went to the tent in front of the house where there is a clay oven to cook and bake because we do not have gas. My mother heard the sound of the explosion and felt the smoke while she was in the tent. She went running to the place of the explosion and saw my father, brothers and cousin Mousa. I had a fourth brother sitting near them who was hit by shrapnel in his nose, but he was saved.

I was shocked when I saw this scene. I could not stand on my feet from the horrible scene. I went in the house and carried my two months old brother. I saw my mother standing near my father speaking with him while he was saying his martyrdom and looking at my brothers. Then I couldn’t hear my father’s voice. I was looking from the kitchen window and I screamed “father”! Then men came and carried my father and my brothers. My eldest brother remained on the ground. I went to him and removed the cover and started screaming……..

I woke up at the hospital with my mother, grandmother and aunts near me. I was told that my grandmother, aunts and I lost consciousness and were moved to hospital.
I can just say we only have God the merciful.
My father the pillar of the house is gone. He took with him three of my older brothers. The house has no pillars now!

Anwar Barbakh (10 years)

2. Sister of the father, Abed Hassan Barbakh, and the children’s aunt

We were living in Al ’obour area near Rafah Crossing when the war started on Saturday and rockets were falling down. When the missiles became like mad, we left our area and went to the home of my eldest brother to protect ourselves and our children.
I went to the house of my younger brother who lives near my eldest brother to see them and sit with my children in the outer room of the house. We heard a rocket exploding and went out running to see where it hit…

I saw an ugly scene. I saw torn bodies. Their bodies were torn and the place was full of blood. We were shocked. The missile burnt their bodies. They became burnt black pieces!!

We left our homes running away from fear and terror to find death and terror in front of us.

Where shall we go from this enemy? What are those children guilty of? My brother wanted to go to his work but first he went to help his children prepare the firewood to start a fire for cooking and baking as there is no gas or electricity.

My children saw what happened. They cried and were terrified. I didn’t know what to do. When I saw them I was mesmerized in my place looking at them. I couldn’t cry or scream. I was bewildered. I couldn’t but say we only have God the merciful!

Subhia Barbakh

3. Niece of martyr Abed Barbakh

Yes they were black days. They passed like lightening. They were days of crying blood instead of tears. On the fourth of January, Sunday eight thirty in the morning we were sitting when we heard a rocket explosion. I cannot conceal that I was devastated when I saw my uncle and his children bleeding. I trembled and didn’t know what to do. I felt I was in coma. They were in pieces. It was an ugly scene. They were scattered to pieces in a sea of blood!

My feelings cannot be described. I was very confused when I saw them. I didn’t know what to do. Even the ambulances did not come at the right time. They were late. I want to say that the occupation’s crimes are tremendous. They destroyed our feeling of safety and security. Fear and horror inhabit our daily life. We were about to have a nervous breakdown, each moment passes like a nightmare. We sleep and wake up but we cannot believe that we woke up. Even our dreams are full of fear and horror. Where is the Arab conscience? Where is the Islamic brotherhood?

Our inner feelings cannot be described, no matter how much we write. We live in pain, sadness and terror every moment. Such are our days and this is our bitter life. Even condolence houses were not spared from shelling. Nothing is safe here. Nothing!

What are these young children guilty of? They go as victims without any mercy. I ask the question and I answer it – only because they are Palestinians.
I only say we only have God the merciful.

Suhair Suleiman Barbakh (17 years)

The second to the right is Mousa

The second to the left is Yousef

Translated by A. H. Karam

= = = = =

The five martyrs

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