The Innovative Winners from Palestine of IBBY Honour List 2022

Sunday 27 February 2022 by Rania

IBBY/Palestine (the International Board of Books for the Young People) would like to congratulate the winners of IBBY Honour List 2022 for their outstanding books on authorship, translation and illustration in addition to the book publishers.

NABILA ESPANIOLY - Author of "Farashat al-Naserah" (the butterfly of Nazareth) - Nazareth: al-Tufulah Center.

AMAL - Illustrator of "al Hirrah Reeshah (Th Cat Reeshah) written by Haifa Muhareb Sawarkeh - Ramallah: Tamer Institute for Community Education.

HALA SHROUF - Translator of "Ana wa-al Quds" (Jerusalem and I) - Ramallah: Palestine Studies Institute in cooperation with Tamer Institute for Community Education.

IBBY Honour List is a biennial selection of outstanding books in honour of writers, illustrators and translators from IBBY member countries. Official honour list announcements take place at IBBY’s Congress where copies of the winning books will be catalgued in a special book on IBBY’ s electronic site and copies of the books will circulate around the world at exhibitions during conferences and book fairs.

The specialized evaluating committee, who nominated the books was composed of Dr. Sharif Kana’neh, Nabil Alqam, Jehan Helou, Mary Fasheh, Arham Damen and Olivia Qandah.

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