37th "IBBY" Congress in Moscow - Honour List

Monday 27 September 2021 by Rania

Warm Congratulations to the Winners of the "Honour List" from Palestine

With great success, the 37th "IBBY" Congress ended its work in Moscow, after being postponed for a whole year because ofCovid-19 pandemic.

The distinguished books of the winners of the “Honour List” for 2020, for the categories of writing, illustration and translation, were beautifully presented; it included winners from eighty IBBY sections around the world.

Palestinian winners are
Writing: Ahlam Bisharat on the book "Masna’ al-Dhikrayat” - al Salwa - Amman

Illustration: Abdullah Qawariq for the book "The Poet of al-Birwa" al –Tufula Center - Nazareth

Translation: Issam Batran for the book "Water" Tamer Institute for Community Education - Ramallah

The Honour List books are displayed at international book fairs and the list is published all over the world.


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