IBBY Palestine summer camp in al Ataa Library

Wednesday 8 September 2021 by Rania

IBBY Palestine organized a summer camp of cultural and entertainment activities, in al Ataa library; whereby 200 children from both sexes (100 each week). Children were divided 50 children for each of the two periods, morning and an evening.
Activities were varied, different and included five corners.
• The first corner is that of the library
• The second corner is that of arts and drawing
• The third corner is that of folklore and popular arts
• The fourth corner is that of entertainment and popular games
• The fifth corner is that of plastic arts and re -cycling.

Work was going on in a rotation manner between the corners whereby the child benefits from all corners to develop his mental, psychological, physical and learning abilities.

First: The Corner of the Library
Work in the library included a number of activities that are related to the story whereby there was discussion of a number of stories with the children. After reading and discussing them like story tellers and by using connecting questions and arguments before, during and after reading the story. These activities were well received by the children, for the story is the closest road for the heart and brain of the child.
There was also creative writing for the children who participated, during which they spoke about the corona period, Israeli aggression, some of them expressed through drawing and others through writing in a simple and smooth way. These were discussed with them while showing the points of strength they have and supporting it and showing the aspects that need guidance and advice.
There was a session of films there were some the silent films and some cartoons in addition to different kinds of cultural films which discuss a number of issues such as violence, the rights of the child, respect for others and the appreciation and self - fulfillment and returning to schools as well as corona, all in an exciting and interactive manner.
It also included the activities of drama in which the participants took story roles from their imagination and others that were written. During their participation the talents of the children showed itself in taking the roles of the characters and playing with their voices and the movements of their faces and body to attract attention.

Second: the Corner of Arts and Drawing
It included a number of varied activities such as free drawing, drawing on the poster, on children’s faces, story drawing for varied story characters and drawing on carton paper, in addition to that this corner included the art of folding paper and cutting, pasting, drawing on carton paper. It was a distinguished corner and it achieved a number of shapes and drawings which were expressive.

Third: The Corner of Folklore and Popular Arts
During this corner the children got to know our Palestinian cities, their food, dress and legacy. There was a discussion in the manner of story and story - telling about the old past of our forefathers, their simple life full of calm, giving and love, and the low population number with no technology. In comparison between the past and the present in habits and traditions, some of these habits and traditions continued and some others were replaced and some disappeared, whereby there was talk about dress, popular food and solidarity during bad times, during funerals and during happy occasions, in addition to wars and suffering and the struggles of the Palestinian people which remained and continued during the past decades, and how to hold on to the land, the cause and the right of return.
Moreover sound system was used to bring a number of popular Palestinian songs, and making synopsis of the Palestinian weddings, popular dance, folklore and popular Palestinian sayings, some of which are well known and others the participants are hearing for the first time and they get to know the root of the saying and its usages. It was a corner full of benefitting and variety.

Fourth: The Corner of Popular Games and Entertainment
By using cultural questions, among the groups of the children, that develop competition and working as a single group in an interactive atmosphere. There were a number of cultural competitions about a number of information that are useful for the participants, and activating games to add an atmosphere of entertainment, fun and joy for the children especially with all the traumas and sufferings. Children were in need of support through physical, psychological and interactive activities.
Fifth: The Corner of Plastic Art and Circling
The participants made a number of special models, shapes and portraits through using simple and varied tools. They used things from the environment and embodied with them pretty and expressive portraits and they also expressed themselves through drawing and special plastic art with their little fingers.

The Training Days
The participants in the circling session were distinguished with their calmness and love for learning. Children like using scissors, papers, glue and tools of the environment to make personal things for them. The presence of a specialized trainer contributed to a great benefit for them and they made useful and distinguished shapes.
Training Session of Animation Story Making with Voice of the Children
It was an activity that the children do for the first time, they were scared at the beginning the children were afraid to use their voices on the characters of the story. But after training they performed in an acceptable manner as a first experience for them in animation and their voice over of the story characters.

The Entertainment Day
At the end it was good for us to organize an entertainment day beneficial for the children by gathering 200 children from both sexes in the Beit Hanoun sporting club .The children participating were very happy, for the place was equipped to receive the children and there was a number of activities, among them competitions; the children learned some poetry, songs and some games and dances. They were happy to learn the old popular folklore sung at the Palestinian wedding, in interactive participation.
It was a special day and the children were offered a meal and juice. They were very happy with the meal, for some of them had not eaten meat for a long time. The children thanked those in charge of the camp and they confirmed that they had benefitted a lot, and we received lots of compliments from their families as well as the children were deprived of education because of corona. The camp was special in its cultural, learning and entertaining offerings.

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