PBBY Monthly Discussion with Sonia Nimr

Thursday 18 February 2021 by Rania

The Blue Door Story

Dr Hanadi Kharma started the discussion. She spoke about the blue door a note to the two points in the blue door the camp, the right of return, connection to the place, the land, in the memory.

Dima el Hajj: she spoke about the paintings and the colors the drawings of Raouf Karray were good and so was the book.

Hiba Saeeda: Hiba spoke about the reports that arrived from the field and she clarified that the book was discussed 30 times. The attendance was the children and their parents and the grandparents in some of the areas.

Sonia spoke about the story that it is a mixture of imagination and reality and the pictures that are related. There is a problem in the handwriting for the readers from the children. The book was discussed with the youngsters in Bethlehem and Sonia wished that the blue doors will disappear and the blue door as a symbol for the doors of the camp.

The attendants were interactive and the discussion was very beneficial and there was an exchange of ideas and opinions.

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