Until When

Thursday 21 January 2021 by Rania

Until when will ye conscience remain asleep
Till when will you stay lost in your dreams
Until when will the poor complain his hunger to his God
Until when will the orphan roam a street
And not find a shelter

Until when will Jerusalem remain crying
Her children who were murdered under the sound of a plane
It does not know mercy at all
Its youth in the squares martyred

In our land, in Aleppo we see a massacre
We see children murdered
We see a child roaming destroyed streets
Looking for her rosy doll
She looks for a pen
To write with it a story for humanity
A story for love for Arab unity

On the land of Baghdad you see a tank
You see a soldier and a bullet
On the land of Baghdad
People were killed
The homeland was destroyed
The stones were enslaved
On the land of Baghdad weapons are
Tearing a body apart
Tearing a soul
Breaking a heart

Until when will this suffering dwell in us?
When will conscience wake up from its sleep
When will humanity return home
Come on… come on people
Stop this game
Declare…declare a revolution
upon this bitter living
Erase poverty and oppression
From our Arab dictionary
Make dignity, hope and freedom
And return the victory to this Arab nation

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