PBBY Children in Crisis Report / September 2019

Wednesday 20 January 2021 by Rania

There are many writings, documents and International condemnation on the long traumatic situation in Gaza that is rightly called Siege of the Century. However, there is no action taken by the UN and the International Community to stop the Israeli occupation, siege and atrocities. Unfortunately, this human disaster is taking its toll on the Gazans. Some of young people are seeking to immigrate even if they take the risk of drowning and death; moreover, there were few cases of suicides, as hope of a seen liberation is fading!

I enclose a petition about the situation “HUMANITARIAN DISASTER IN GAZA: THE SIEGE MUST BE LIFTED!” which has some facts and figures about the current situation in Gaza


But I would like to bring to the attention of IBBY EC members and sections to the horrific escalation of Israeli army, police and settlers against Palestinian children; whether the killing, detention and harassment, mostly of children in Gaza and Jerusalem. Horrendous fascist practices in complete violation of CRC are taking place daily. As young as 4 years children are summoned for interrogation. Last Friday two Children were killed at the peaceful Demonstrations in Gaza, 46 children have been killed since the start of the mach in March 2018. Some sample pictures enclosed
a link below to a video by the International Solidarity Movement showing how Israeli forces justify intimidation of kindergarten children


Summoned children!


IBBY Libraries in Gaza: Determination. Love & Solidarity

The determination of our children, librarians and the local community to have the two libraries and their love to its goals and function keep the libraries going. It is through the International solidarity of IBBY and its friends that keep this Safe Haven, a place of learning and socializing for the deprived children. Reading and regular animation activities go on:

Children and youth borrow books read and discuss them; there is role play, film screening and discussion, drawing, creative writing, poetry recital handcrafts. In addition to general and cultural heritage knowledge competitions and other animated activities etc.

Children have professional training mostly in creative writing and illustrations.
We post many of the activities on our Face Book IBBY Pal


Some of the recent activities: Story Reading Activity

A number of stories are read to the children participating in the various library activities regularly; whereby many ways are used to present the story but mainly reading the story and opening the way to discuss it in all its details and constituents.

The Talents

A number of activities were organized to develop the talents of the children among them reciting poetry, dancing, drawing, imitating voices and acting; whereby we took good care of these talented participants. Many of these participants were oblivious and were discovered through these activities, whereby they were attended to, nurtured and developed.

A number of targeted films are screened and discussed on a regular basis in al Sikka library. Children like the mingling between the practical and the theoretical aspects.

Children at al Shawka library prepared for the library open day where outcomes/products of the activities of the children is exhibited for the parents and local community There are two nice videos and will be sent separately.

Other Activities

Honor List

At the end of April the Honor List selection committee met for two full days. Thirty two books sent by four Palestinian publishing houses were discussed. The choice was made for the best: writer, illustrator and translator to be nominated to IBBY Honor list 2018-2020

Monthly lectures/Discussion Meetings

This was an active period more details can be found on FB IBBY Pal
A meeting with Dr. Hanada Kharma: she reviewed the book “Those who do not exist” by the Norwegian author ‘Simon Stranger’ “It is the story of the part which is not usually said about those who live in the void. A journey at sea for a group of immigrants which started in the novel of Isthmus; its heroes are young people, we see them growing up and continuing their lives …

PBBY meeting was with Dr Sharif Kanaana about “the political joke”: He emphasized that people are interested in the political joke because it represents society and it spreads in society. It is different from the joke which represents one individual telling it to another person. The shorter the joke is, the better it is. He makes some comparisons between the jokes of the first Intifada and after Oslo Accords

Another meeting was with the writer Ahlam Bisharat about her choice of language in her novels. She said that she is not easy in choosing the language in which she writes her novels; she thinks that each work chooses its own language and the words their colours. It is limits that make the writer passionate and as he/she can’t see except with two eyes only!

These are our news in brief we hope to hear more of your news.

September 11th 2019

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