Stories by the Children of Jerusalem Illustrated by the children of Gaza "On love and Occupation"
Malak Sayyed Ahmad 13 Years
Nadia Khalil - 15years
Love has Levels
I was born in Jerusalem I like imagination and my imagination is very wide, it came to me out of my passion for reading. I read many books, stories and novels, among them the novel “the Remains of Mary’ and I connected it with my reality. In Jerusalem spirituality is embodied, it comes to the body and spreads, you feel you belong to it since you were born. Its markets are cheerful, there the selling carts in the streets of its old town, it indicates the simplicity of its good people. The cakes and sesame Rusk are delicious. Its high walls indicate the strength of a people that perseveres and takes it as a place for resistance. Its old stones bear witness to the history of its people’s civilization, everything in it is beautiful, unique and different, its air that is filled with the odor of olive trees, its land bears witness to the deep-rootedness of its inhabitants and the blood of its martyrs.
As for its people, I remember when the Israeli occupying forces closed the Aqsa mosque and put the electronic doors on its doors, there was no one who didn’t defend, Christian before Muslim, they would pray together each in their own way, Crescent and Cross, all this for my beautiful Flower of the Cities.
Among the tragedies of the occupation is that it makes love difficult, and this is what happened with my brother; he fell in love with a girl from the village of “Kabya”, she carries the green Palestinian ID and this means it is forbidden to enter Jerusalem, despite of this they married, and they had “Nael”. My nephew Nael who is four years is lost, behind the wall he lives a certain life, and inside of him another life, and he cannot be with us and with his mother at the same time and place. When he is inside the wall he longs for his mother, and when he is in the west bank he longs for the rest of his relatives. So Nael becomes filled with negative and contradictory feelings which are enough for crying and screaming, do you think that children do not feel what is happening?!
Occupation is war. Love in war is a real tragedy. This war in Jerusalem is with silent weapons, but no occupation endures. The hope from a persevering people will be answered at the end. The emotions of lovers which have become like stones will triumph; they will express it in an uprising. The calm war will make a revolution, raising the flag of love and achieving justice and peace.