Stories by the Children of Jerusalem Illustrated by the children of Gaza Damascus Gate

Monday 17 December 2018

Hizar Ja’bari – 8 Years
Minna Allah Hassan – 12 years

I am Hizar. I am eight years old, I live in Jerusalem, and I will tell you my story. Let us begin: I like Damascus Gate because it has the market where fruits and vegetables are sold, the sweets I love, like the cake of the feast, and sesame Rusk; there are beautiful places like the green grass close to it, I like it very, very much!

One day... Damascus Gate was closed because of the occupation, I do not like this to happen, because Damascus Gate is like the door of my house and like my child in the future; when someone asks me about it I tell them what it means to me.

I love the Arab city of Jerusalem, except for one thing which is the occupation and the army; they close the roads in front of us.
I love Jerusalem more in the month of Ramadan, where the places open at night as the lights of the decorations filling the place and the streets look pretty.

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