Solidarity Appeal with Palestinian Children & People

Friday 23 October 2015

A new generation of Palestinian spontaneous rebellion!

Palestinians have never surrendered to occupation. Today, the young generation of Palestinians ‘is marching on the footsteps of previous generations, rising up against Israel’s brutal, decades-old system of occupation, settler colonialism and apartheid’.

Frustrated and desperate Palestinian youth have been living under occupation and oppression all their lives, with no hope, are fighting now for freedom. While Israelis are fighting: ‘to maintain its occupation and subjugation of the Palestinian people, creating an apartheid state throughout the lands where its rule holds sway’.

For many decades, Palestinians have been victims of a brutal fascist military occupation (the last in the world). Recently Israeli forces have escalated its oppressive measures and the use of excessive lethal force against peaceful protests, including “extrajudicial executions”, all in shocking violation of International Law and the Geneva Conventions, with no deterrence or punishment! These toxic measures provoke Palestinians beyond endurance!

The death toll is on the increase daily as Israeli mobs chant ‘death to Arabs’. Israeli soldiers continue to arm Israeli settlers, to protect them and at times escort them as they attack Palestinians and set fire to their olive groves. Tens of houses are being destroyed and many are being evicted. Hundreds of Palestinians are being detained, thus joining thousands of adult and hundreds of children detainees. Now, some Israeli officials are calling for arming all Israeli Jews!
During the first nine months of 2015, Israel killed 26 Palestinians and injured hundreds. Since October 1st, 47 Palestinians were killed (the majority under 30 years) 12 of them children; more than 2,000 Palestinians have been injured, from live ammunition and rubber-coated metal bullets. The strategy of targeting children: killing, wounding and imprisoning them is appalling and a shameful violation to the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC).

Under international law Jerusalem is an occupied city. In the last few weeks the Israeli government, as part of its intentions to control and make changes to Al Aqsa Mosque, allowed Israeli Jews access to the Mosque, under the pretext of “religious freedom” while the majority of Palestinians are barred from praying there, this flared the situation further!
Israel imposed drastic measures. Palestinian areas in Jerusalem are shut down with restrictions on movement, some streets are closed including roads leading to some hospitals and schools, roadblocks and checkpoints are set up at the entrances of the neighbourhoods and yesterday a cement barrier was installed.
The Israeli military does not view Palestinians as humans and acts with complete impunity; its terrorist acts are accompanied by a discourse fuelling the element of fear and racism among Israelis thus increasing the obstacles for a solid basis for a just peace.
Below are some links to videos which reflect the gravity of the situation



The United States and the major European powers who continue to support and shelter the Israeli violations of international law and unaccountable Israeli atrocities, are partners in the crimes and obstructing any viable process for a just peace and for the implementations of tens of UN resolutions calling for an end to occupation and to the fulfilment of the Palestinian National Rights. History will never forgive this war mongering policy!

We are pleased that the solidarity movement is extensively spreading around the world and the campaign of Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) is embraced and is functioning broadly, despite the counter efforts to sabotage it.
We call upon all our friends around the world including our IBBY friends and all those supporting CRC, to raise their voice in solidarity with our children and youth. It is vital to demand that your governments take immediate action in order to stop Israeli horrors and end occupation!

IBBY Palestine October 20th, 2015

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