The Power of Books: al Shawka- Rafah Library

Tuesday 1 September 2015

In a follow up to our e-mail two days ago, that a library is born (Sikka library) as a temporary replacement of the destroyed al- Ataa library; and the damaged library (al- Shawka) is refurbished and provided by books and equipments.
We enclose some expressive pictures of the latest exhibition of the children activities in Shawka – Rafah border library and our letter again.

Dear IBBY Friends,

It is around one year now since the Israeli horrendous attack on Gaza and the complete destruction of IBBY al-Ataa library and the damaging of al Shawka library.
The sad reality is that our people in Gaza did not get the opportunity to mourn their dead, heal their wounds and build their houses. The infrastructure is still damaged and the destroyed houses are still rubbles! The Israeli occupation (1967) goes on and the siege is ongoing since 2006 accompanied with the Egyptian closure of Rafah crossing into Egypt; thus making Gaza the largest prison in the world!
Conflicts in modern times marginalize Child Rights Convention; civilians, and children in particular, are the main victims of the horrors of high tech weapons. Palestinian children suffering is ongoing, it did not stop with the dreadful loss of more than 551 children and the wounding and displacement of thousands; till this date, thousands of children including the children of the two libraries are struggling with loss, stress and displacement!
IBBY was up to its Mission and responded quickly to the disaster, in pursue to its vital program ‘Children in Crisis situation’, (Gaza in 2008), and to its commitment to move forward in supporting Children Rights, launched IBBY Gaza Appeal 2014 expressing its obligation and commitment:
The IBBY community has an obligation to rebuild these libraries, and we will – re-housing and re-stocking them in order to try to bring these children who have lost so much, help and the knowledge that they are not alone, not abandoned as they rebuild their lives once again. Perhaps with time they can regain a sense of safety and belief in the value of dialogue and hope for the future. They will know that we care.
We the PBBY Administrative Committee and members express our thanks to all our dear IBBY Friends. Thank you for your solidarity and for your concern. Special thanks and appreciation to the National Section, member or friend who contributed to IBBY Gaza Appeal.
Gaza Appeal ($35, 000) facilitated for a temporary replacement library (al-Sikka) in a near-by area of the destroyed library; it was refurbished, enlarged, provided with books, furniture, and equipment; some similar procedures were applied with al-Shawka Rafah library.
We enclose some expressive pictures of the latest exhibition of the outcome of the children activities at al Sikka library*, in the presence of mothers who are sharing the smiles of their children; thus reflecting the struggle and determination of our children and people to their Right to Life, to Justice, Dignity and to Books!

12 August 2015

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