Children Testimonies: MY Wheelchair

Sunday 29 March 2015

Children Testimonies: Days of Horror

MY Wheelchair

Name: Dina Abd el Raheem Jaber
Age: 8 years

I am the child Dina Jaber, I am 8 years old and an orphan and crippled, and I use a wheel chair.

In the difficult days of the aggression I lived very hard days, the Israelis were bombing the houses strongly. We ran away from our home to the home of a relative, but we did not find a safe place so we ran away to Beit Hanoun hospital.

On the second day of the land war the occupation forces targeted the hospital with a number of shells and a number of patients were hit. The shrapnels and glass flew on us and we were crying and screaming, and this difficult night passed on us.

The next morning we ran away to UNRWA schools in the Jabalia camp. We remained there thirty days; of suffering and lack of water and cleanliness. I could not go to the bathroom because of the many people who came to shelter in the schools. We did not find food and after some days UNRWA helped us with some canned food, bread and water. But I did not feel safe because the occupation was targeting schools, mosques and houses, and killing children, women, old people and innocent people wherever they were. On top of that, a number of children became sick and infection spread in the schools because of lack of cleanliness.

On one of the days of the truce my mother went to check on our home but did not find it for the occupation had destroyed it completely. My mother started crying and saying where will I and my only daughter, who is sick, go? I was very sad for the bombing of our house, for I lost my wheelchair inside the house, and my things, toys and clothes. I have nothing but my mother. She is trying to provide a chair for me because school has started and I have difficulty to go on foot because I am sick and I need a wheelchair.

I am now living in a room with my mother and some relatives without doors or windows. I feel sad to welcome school while not at home, although I have a distinction and first in my class.
I wish for peace to come, that there would be no war which deprives children their rights to live, play, learn and be healthy.

Translated by H. Ruhayyem

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