IBBY Palestine Honour List 2012-2014

Tuesday 23 September 2014

Congratulations to IBBY Palestine Honour List candidates, distinguished for excellence!
• Sonia Nimr for her book ‘Rihlat Ajeebah fi al-Bilad al-Gharibah’ for the quality of its writing.

• Abdullah Qawariq for the title ‘Mukhtar abu Dinien Kbar’ for the quality of its illustrations.

• Maya Abu Alhayyat the title ‘al-Ta’er al-Ahmar’ for the quality of its translation.
Congratulations to the publisher of the three books Tamer Institute for Community Education!
IBBY wrote to each candidate saying: “You are among the 150 authors, illustrators and translators whose recent works have been distinguished for excellence…
Every two years, the IBBY Honour List catalogue is published in English and includes over one hundred recently published books from IBBY member countries. These books are considered to be outstanding for the quality of writing, illustration and translation. Important considerations in selecting the Honour List titles are that the books represent the best in children’s literature from each country, and that the books are recommended as suitable for publication throughout the world. In this way, the Honour List supports IBBY’s objective of encouraging international understanding through children’s literature.
Over 2,000 copies of the 2014 IBBY Honour List catalogue will be distributed worldwide after the presentation of the selection next September at the 34th IBBY World Congress in Mexico City. You will receive a complimentary copy following the Congress. The Honour List books will subsequently be shown at several parallel travelling exhibitions: in Japan, Russia, the USA, and at the Bologna Children’s Book Fair 2015. Thereafter, they will be kept as permanent deposits at the International Youth Library in Munich and other research collections in Russia, Japan, Slovakia, Switzerland and the USA…”

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