Short Report : al- Ataa Librarian

Saturday 30 August 2014

Special Report by the librarian Abla Hamad on her Displacement

The attack did not leave anybody from its fiery rockets. The Librarian, Abla Hamad, suffered like all the other citizens. She lives in Beit Hanoun, and being very close to the danger, she had to leave her home with her family and her young. She headed for the UNRWA School thinking that it will be a secure and safe place. The school was hit and she had to live with some relatives in Jabalia refugee camp, but the place was not safe either, then she went to Gaza City to live in a house together with tens of persons. Abla returned to her home to find it completely destroyed. In spite of the pain, displacement and wounds, everyone is standing firm in the face of the occupying criminals.

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