Is the Convention on the Rights of the Child, Dead in Gaza?

Wednesday 5 November 2014

Israeli Aggression

IBBY Children Library a ‘Safe Haven’ Completely Destroyed!

IBBY Library in Beit Hanoun and al- Ata’a Community Based Center hosting it, are completely destroyed! This successful library which promoted love of books, supported literacy and was a ‘Safe Haven’ for the children and had been run by IBBY Palestine since 2008. At the beginning of 2014 a second library was opened in the centre.
A genocide against civilians was allowed to happen! (1,976 killed) of which 463 are children; more than 2,111 children were wounded.
This is an aggression against Palestinians in Gaza, their society, economy, infra-structure, culture, schools and libraries, (141 damaged schools). We do not know the exact situation of libraries including our Rafah library which is till now, in a military area.


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