Ulf Stark

Monday 10 February 2014

The boy, the girl and the wall


Posts Tagged ‘Ulf Stark’

The boy, the girl and the wall
February 27, 2011

The Swedish writer Ulf Stark (nominated to the 2011 Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award) travelled to the West Bank last year. In the Palestinian territories, his book Can you whistle, Johanna? is very popular and he was invited to read from the book and speak about his work. During his visit he also met with the Tamer Institute for Community Education, the organization which won the 2009 Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award for its tireless work to promote reading among children and youth on the West Bank and Gaza.

While traveling through the West Bank, Ulf Stark came up with the idea of a new book: Pojken, flickan och muren (The boy, the girl and the wall). Following his trip, the illustrator Anna Höglund (nominated to the 2011 Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award) also visited the West Bank to collect inspiration and to make sketches for illustrations to Ulf Stark’s text.

And now, less than a year later, the result of the trips is here: A beautiful and poetic tale about two children’s resourcefulness living in the shadow of a wall.

Pojken, flickan och muren is published in Swedish by Berghs Förlag and in Arabic by Dar Al Muna simultaneously – an unique publishing project for an unique book .

Tags:Anna Höglund, Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award, Berghs Förlag, Dar Al Muna, Pojken flickan och muren, Tamer institute for community education, Ulf Stark, West Bank.

Posted in nominated candidates, Tamer Institute

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