Reading Culture- Palestinian Children in Lebanon 2
PBBY is keen to support the culture of reading among Palestinian Refugees in Lebanon, when possible. Reading for joy is very vital with the very difficult situation our children endure and the deterioration of the education system standards.
A symbolic fund was donated to the National Institution of Social Care & Vocational Training (NISCVT) to buy some quality children books and to implement training for facilitators, librarians and teachers on how to animate libraries and conduct creative activities with children centered on the children books.
NISCVT is the largest NGO working with children of martyrs and children marginalized by poverty and deprivation of basic rights.
Below is a short report:
NISCVT was able to buy Arabic and English books for our seven kindergartens and for the remedial classes in the different centers, in order to encourage the children to read regularly. It is important to mention that all the teachers read stories for the children on daily basis.
In 2013 there was a workshop on the subject of promoting the reading habit and implementing interactive activities conducted by an expert in the field. The workshop lasted for 5 days and was attended by 20 teachers 10 social workers. During the workshop, the teachers were informed about the different activities that could be planned and implemented after reading a story with the children, to enhance their love of reading and their creative writing. Moreover, there was a highlight on the importance of reading for children and its role in supporting literacy, promoting knowledge and imagination. The coordinator of NISCVT educational programs followed on the training through guidance and supervision of those trained.
The culture of reading is building up: the children who participate in the weekly activities on Friday are benefiting from the books available in our libraries. Children are very much motivated and are enjoying reading, they even go regularly to our libraries and even from Bourj Al-Shemali to Al-Houleh library in the South to borrow books and enjoy reading.