
Monday 10 February 2014

The International Board on Books for Young People - Palestinian Section (PBBY) is pleased to launch its website

The aim of our PBBY website is to connect effectively with our members, friends and friends to be.

We believe that the dissemination of information about our activities, outcomes, and difficulties will promote our work. We hope to widen our network of friends who have been increasing since we joined IBBY in 2003; thus enriching international solidarity and multicultural exchange.

We aim to give a louder voice to our children, who like to share their dreams, sufferings and aspirations; share their creativity through their writings and illustrations.

It is vital to highlight the ongoing IBBY Children in Crisis project in Gaza and briefly highlight the development of children’s literature and children’s books in Palestine.

PBBY is a voluntary organization, with no secretariat. Apart from some payments to staff involved in our Children in Crisis project, all the work depends on the dedication of members of the Administrative Committee. We are grateful for MA’AN Centre which generously hosts us, and assists in the management of our financial matters.

Although the content of the website is rich, we apologize for any shortage. However, with such limited resources, we hope that the website reflects well on the spirit of our work.

We Palestinians go on dreaming, as we would like to see this website growing with news and resources relevant to children’s books.

PBBY hopes that you will enjoy this webpage and awaits your comments and suggestions!

Jehan Helou


N.B. The Arabic and English versions are not the same except for some of the material and many were translated from Arabic to English.

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