Honour List Celebration

Monday 10 February 2014

October 17, 2012

PBBY and Tamer Institute for Community Education organized a celebration in honour of Palestinian writers, illustrators and translators whose works deserved the IBBY Honour-list for the years 2010-2012. This took place during the Palestinian book fair in Ramallah.

Those who were honoured were:

= Writers Honor List: My Guerre Name is a Butterfly (Ismi al-haraki farasheh) Author Ahlam Bsharat Illustrated by: Bashar al-Hroub.

= Illustrators Honor List: Omar and Haha (Omar wa Haha) illustrations by Dima Abu al-Hajj written by Safa Ameer.

= Translators Honor List: Barsakh- (Barzakh: Emily wa Samou’il) Translator Zakieh Khierhum (Author: Simon Stranger - original language Norwegian)

The celebration took place at the International Palestinian Book Fair in Ramallah and was attended by the honorees, their families and PBBY members and friends.

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