The Beautiful Dream

Monday 10 February 2014

The war on Gaza Strip lasted twenty two days and we were dreaming that it ends well. It left great destruction and killings. It left orphan children with both parents killed. It made many families homeless. Even the schools were not spared from the brutality of the occupation. My school was under the fire of the war planes rockets.

My beautiful dream is to have a small house in my beloved country, green Palestine, and to enjoy peace safety and security like the rest of the children of the world.

My dream is to carry my books and go to my school without fear or horror. Here are the children of the world enjoying every beautiful thing, and we, the innocent children of Palestine, see blood only, devastation and destruction. Where does the world stand from all our suffering?

PBBY Library - Al-Shawka area

Mariam Yousef al Hissi (12 Years)

Translated by Amal H. Karam

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