Our Beautiful House
We went to school ready to sit for the exams. We did not know then that the Israeli planes will be waging a big and violent war against us and against our Palestinian people.
We finished the first exam. While on our way home rockets from war planes hit the military positions. After wiping them out, it started destroying houses.
As if the damage incurred by the war planes was not enough, the tanks and soldiers destroyed, killed and demolished the houses. Our house was hit by a rocket which pulled it down and killed all the family and even burnt my small doll. Nothing remained for me.
Why did they leave me alone?! Why didn’t they kill me with my family and my doll? Why do the children of the world have peace, safety and security and we, Palestinian children, are denied that. Why?!!!
God is great. No might or power except in God.
Mariam Yousef al Hissi (12 years)
PBBY Library
Rafah – Al Shawka
Translated by Amal H. Karam