Demolishing the Mosque

Monday 10 February 2014

On the twentieth day of the war on Gaza, while we were collecting firewood for my mother to prepare our breakfast, the sky lit with fearful sounds and missiles fell all around us on our village mosque. Shrapnels scattered around us here and there. I was screaming. They are falling on our mosque where we pray. God damn them. They demolished the mosque!

We started running towards the mosque and the missiles were following us. We left the firewood. We did not collect them anymore. We did not prepare breakfast. We endured our hunger and thirst. I was screaming. I wasn’t crying from hunger but for the shelled mosque. No water, no electricity, no gas no meaning for life. No security no safety.

I am afraid our house will be demolished like the mosque and some of our neighbors’ houses. I am very scared. Nothing will elevate my fear except the affection of my beloved mother who is bearing the hardships with patience. Oh God when will this misery end?

Name: Mustafa al Hassi (8 years)

PBBY Library

Rafah – Al Shawka

Translated by Amal H. Karam

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