Elected again to IBBY’s EC

Monday 10 February 2014

In IBBY’s 32nd Congress in Santiago de Compostela Spain in 2010. Jehan Helou was re-elected to IBBY’s EC Committee, which is composed of 10 members. Each member is permitted to serve for two terms only, each for two years

IBBY Website posted this on EC members:

Jehan Helou (Palestine) was elected at the 32nd IBBY General Assembly to serve as an EC member 2010-2012. She previously served as a member of the 2008-2010 EC.

Jehan was born in 1943 in Haifa - Palestine, and was uprooted to Lebanon with her family. She left to the UK at the end of the eighties and went to the Palestinian Occupied Territory in 2000.

Jehan has long experience in social work, children’s literature and non-formal education. She gained her BA and M.A. in Political Science and Public Administration and minor Literature, from the American University of Beirut, studied for two years, (part-time) towards a Ph.D. in Politics and Sociology at London University.

Jehan worked as editor at the Arab Press House (1990-98). She became the Director of the Tamer Institute for community Education from 2000-2006 & the editor of Taif Journal on Children’s Literature. She is the author of Palestinian Women in Lebanon National Struggle and Social Transformation (1965-1985) published by PWRDC - UNESCO (2009).

She has a long history in voluntary work: President of the Palestinian Section of IBBY, 2002-present; Coordinator for the Arab Region on the theme of Education in Situation of Poverty, Armed Conflict and Occupation, 2005-06; Assistant General Secretary for ’Information Culture & Studies’ Committee of General Arab Women Federation: 1979-88; EC member of the General Union of Palestinian Women as its International Relations Officer: 1974-88.

Picture of IBBY’s Executive Council meeting in Antwerp, Belgium, September 2011.

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