Peace Story, Nami Island

Monday 10 February 2014

International meeting at the launching of the 22 stories of Peace Story in Nami Island in South Korea


PBBY was honored to be part of the creative NABOOK-010 the Peace Festival/ Peace Story. PBBY President Jehan Helou was member of the International Planning Committee which is formed of 36 members.

The Peace Festival was in the beautiful Nami Island where there many workshops were implemented by the participants. The organizers posted each story and its illustration on a large billboard.

Mohammed Amous, illustrator for the Palestinian Story attended the festival and gave a painting workshop for Korean children. Dima Sehwail our writer of the beautiful story When the Golden Fish Stopped Dancing apologized, as she was expecting the birth of her first baby.

It is important to mention here that in 2007 Jehan and Olivia Qandah (PBBY Administrative Committee) participated in Nami Island book Fair and Library in Nature Seminar.

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