Interview with Vice President of PBBY

Monday 10 February 2014

Mary Fasheh who is a senior librarian and Vice President of IBBY-Palestine was interviewed by NISAA FM* on November 26th 2012 for 20 minutes to talk about her work experience with libraries and IBBY’s Palestine.

The talk included Mary’s work with UNRWA (United Nations Relief & Work Agency for Palestinian Refugees) school libraries in the five host countries: Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, West Bank, and Gaza Strip.

Mary’s job included: training courses in library science for teacher/librarians, promotion of reading among children, book selection, library organization and library technical skills.

Mary’s work at Tamer Institute for Community Education: included library training, writing competitions among children, and recommendations for publishing children’s writings into books.

Moreover, Mary talked about her own publications which included “How to organize libraries”, “Activities to promote reading and library use”, and “Bibliographies of children’s books in Palestine.”

Mary’s highlighted her experience with “Bookbird and PBBY”: the establishment of PBBY, the children crisis project in Gaza, recommendation of books for IBBY’s Honor List, Honoring of creative Palestinian writers, and our twinning with US IBBY national section.

“NISAA FM (Women FM) a pioneering station, dedicated to women and focusing on all aspects of life in Palestine with programming that views the woman as a contribution in the development of society.”

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