My Brother Fares

Monday 10 February 2014

A real story by Rawan al Bassiouni

I am older than my brother Fares by two years. I am 11 years old. My brother Fares and I used to play always together and we loved each other dearly. All people used to say that we were alike.

We woke up one night, and walked stealthily towards the refrigerator where we found lots of food. We decided to eat it all.

My brothers woke up and decided to tell my mother and father, but we convinced them to eat with us and not to tell anyone.

We laughed a lot, ate, and played in low voices so that we won’t awaken my mom and dad. Then we left for our beds. Fares fell asleep immediately but I could not. Suddenly, a very loud and scary noise was heard. It was the noise of rockets. The splinters fell on us. We were so scared that we ran in all directions.

My brother Fares, on the other hand, remained sleeping forever.

By Rawan al Bassiouni
11years old

*The child Fares al Bassiouni was a member of the library and was killed by Israeli aggression on Gaza November 2012

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