Stories of children about grandparents & homeland

Monday 10 February 2014

Stories of children about grandparents & homeland

Name: Ghadeer Al Sha’er, 11 Years

My grandfather’s will

My father used to tell us what his father told him to do, he showed him the key of their house in Acre and told him about the land robbed by the Israelis. He asked them to fight hard to regain their homeland back. At the end of the will he wrote: “My son your land is your honour."

Mohmmad Kassas, 9 Years

Water at the time of my grandfather

My grandfather used to bring water from the well in big jars, when he got tired he let the donkey carry the jars. Whenever he got thirsty he drank from the jar.
When it rained my grandfather used to store the water in the well so that the family drinks from it during summer days.

The water well

Wi’am & Mariam Sharab, 11 years

The kids in Palestine loved the water well and they always came to stay near it. They hid their toys near the well among those children was my grandfather.
One day my grandfather left the village and went to Japan to study engineering. When he came back to Palestine he witnessed the Israeli soldiers killing children, women, and men young and old. He asked about his father and mother and about his friends he found no body was there. He was told to go to Ramleh city, and he will find them there. When my father found them they told him that the occupation has robbed their village.

My grandfather had a plan to defeat occupation. He and his friends and relatives started throwing eggplants at the Israeli soldiers. They repeated doing this many times. The soldiers thought that the eggplants were bombs so they ran out of the village and never came back.

All of the people returned to the village and lived there happily ever after.

I am from Deir Al Balah

Muhanad Tabbasi, 8 years

I live in Deir Al Balah which is full of fruitful palm trees many near our home; when the dates ripe we pick them and father sells them in the market. Every year we sell dates in the market. My grandmother and mother make delicious molasses from the dates.

Jerusalem in the heart of the Arabs

Name: Sabah Tabbasi, Age: 10

I am a Palestinian, my country is Palestine and its capital is Jerusalem. Although I am a Palestinian, I have never been to Jerusalem because of the Israeli occupation. I love Jerusalem and it is in my heart and in the heart of all Arabs.

Jerusalem: your night won’t be long

Name: Kamleh Awwad, 8 years

I am the ‘fedaiya’ Kamleh Awwad. Yes, I have never faced the Israeli soldiers face to face, but I have faced them in my heart. I saw them killing my beloved ones and my friends, robbing our country and taking it from us. I promise to excel in my studies to defeat the occupation and kick it out!

My Grandmother’s National Dress by Iman Safi (8 years old)

My grandmother had a beautiful dress which she had sown and embroidered herself. It was a magnificent dress. My mother used to wear it sometimes for happy occasions. After my grandmother died the dress became my mother’s. When I grow up, I will wear it too.

The Grinder by Samaher Bayyouk (9 years old)

My grandfather Fares used to plow the land with his old plough. My grandmother Afaf used to grow wheat. My grandfather would go to the field, carrying his axe, to plant and water wheat and barley. When they ripen, he would grind them into flour so that my grandmother would bake them.

Al-Aqsa Mosque by Samaher Hamdan (9 years old)

I am a Palestinian child, studying at school, and waiting to grow up to defend my country. Jerusalem is in my heart. I love to visit it very much and pray at the Al-Aqsa Mosque without having checkpoints and soldiers.

The Colors of my Country’s Flag by Maysoon al-Bayyouk (10 years old)

I love my country’s flag very much and I am proud of it. It’s colors are beautiful and bright. The green color indicates life while white indicates optimism. Red represents blood and black denotes anger. I like going to school in the morning to see the flag fluttering up high, which makes me very happy.

Jerusalem is my Country’s Capital by Fida al Bayyari (8 years old)

Jerusalem is the capital of my country Palestine. It is an amazing place. I wish I can live in it all my life because it is so beautiful. When I am in Palestine, I am able to see it via the television. I used to wish I were a bird so that I can fly to our capital Jerusalem.

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