PBBY Gaza Appeal 2012

Monday 10 February 2014

Stop Israeli Atrocities against Palestinian Children and People in Gaza!

On the occasion of the Universal Children’s Day 20 November and - the 23rd Anniversary for the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) we, the International Board on Books for Young People-Palestinian Section appeal to all Children Rights advocates and defenders, to express solidarity with Palestinian children, and to pressure their governments and the International organizations to force Israel to end it aggression and war crimes against the Palestinian children and people in Gaza.

Palestinian children, civilians and whole families are being blatantly targeted by the Israeli military with bombs weighing up to one ton dropped by F-16 fighter jets (more than 1200 raid so far), knowing that Gaza has no safe place and no shelters.

Moreover, Palestinians in Gaza have been enduring the shortage of basic human needs and the wrecked infra structure because of the 6 years long criminal siege and the criminal war 2008/9. So far, and since the last six days, 108 civilians have been killed including 28 children, and more than 263 children have been wounded, and this is escalating every day!

The world is alarmed as we are, at the call of Gilad Sharon “We need to flatten entire neighborhoods in Gaza. Flatten all of Gaza”!

Subsequently, this horrific war is targeting people who live in a big prison with minimum human rights, and will definitely have a devastating effect on the 750.000 children of Gaza, who are being severely terrorized and traumatized and their scars will take long to heal.

This enraging situation will impose further challenges to our ‘Children in Crisis Project’ in Gaza!

Act now, ‘silence is complicity’. Support the call to end Israeli aggression on Gaza, and the endeavour of Palestinian people to end Israeli atrocities, occupation and siege!

IBBY- Palestine

20 November 2012

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