IBBY delegation in Gaza

Monday 10 February 2014

IBBY solidarity visit to Gaza.
The delegation was formed of Ahmad Redza Khairuddin President of IBBY , Patsy Aldna President of IBBY Foundation and previous President of IBBY, and Liz Page Executive Director of IBBY joined by Jehan Helou President of IBBY Palestine who arrived to Gaza a week before. Below is the picture of the delegation with the librarian in al- Ataa library in Beit Hanoun and with some of the children

IBBY Delegation Solidarity Visit to Gaza

Al Qattan Child Centre and Tamer Institute organized a general meeting for the high level IBBY delegation visiting Gaza.
The meeting, which was attended by many NGOs representatives and cultural personalities mostly those working with children, had a brief presentation by each of the IBBY delegate followed by discussions with the attendees.

Jehan spoke about the importance of books and reading to Palestinian children work of IBBY Palestine and the project of IBBYs Children in Crisis project in Gaza and the two libraries in border areas in Rafah and Beit Hanoun. Ahmad Redza spoke about the mission of IBBY its history and foundation; Liz elaborated about the different programs and sections of IBBY; while Patsy spoke about Bibliotherapy implemented with Children in Crisis Situations. This was followed by a short film on the creative work of IBBY Palestine with Children with hearing Impairment in cooperation with the Palestinian Red Crescent Society.

Links to press coverage of the visit:

Dunya al-Watan:


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