Reading and Creativity

Monday 10 February 2014

Is there a relationship between creativity and reading? By these words, Dr Sharif Kanaana, a well known anthropologist opened the panel organized by PBBY in cooperation with Tamer Institute during ICBD week.

The panel hosted three prominent writers who spoke about their childhood experiences: poet Ahmad Dahbour, Mahmoud Shukair an adult and children writer and Aisha Odeh, a writer and a freedom fighter who spent several years at the Israeli Jails
Dahbour, whose family was forced to leave Haifa, spoke how the experience of the Diaspora affected him tremendously. ‘Reading has to do with how you live in another world parallel to the life you live (…) imagination is what made me reach Haifa and the Carmel Mountain.

Shukair started reading late because books were not available to him. A book titled “Majdoline” attracted him to reading, since then, he read every book that he could get. Books were not all stories, but some of them were about the right of women and political books, ‘books made me see the world differently.

Odeh, said ‘reading gave me a broader perspective (…) books made me what I am…I read to change my world. My readings helped me while being interrogated. I was repeating to myself a quotation I read “You little man, do not die before becoming equal!”

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